Calling All Badgers...

In 2010, Noah Glanville and his wife Amber founded the Pit Barrel Cooker Co. to manufacture and offer the best drum cooker on the market. 12 years of success and hundreds of thousands of happy customers taught them a lot about not only the outdoor cooking industry, but the cultural climate and commerce as a whole. And while the PBC continues to enjoy success and fulfill a market need, they saw an opportunity to create a brand and product which makes a different kind of statement… one that calls it like it is, doesn’t apologize or pull punches, and delivers on every promise of high quality and affordability along the way.


Meet the Badger Barrel
Designed to function with the familiar Hook ’N Hang method that popularized the PBC, the Badger Barrel (patent pending) is a leaner meaner drum smoker accessible to anyone with $249 to spend on a cooker that makes some of the best food they’ve ever tasted. But owning a Badger Barrel isn’t the end of the story, joining the “Badgerhood” is a way of life. 

Are you a Badger?
The Badger Barrel’s name was inspired by the infamous Honey Badger of the viral video fame, which quickly became synonymous with not giving a shit. And the entire brand has taken its cue. Not everyone is a badger, of course. Snowflakes, butterflies, tenderfeet, and similar persuasions take a different approach to life, and good luck to them. Badgers on the other hand? They know who they are and make no apologies unless they overcook the meat.

 The Nonsense Stops Here
Throughout the lifespan of PBC, the Glanvilles have experienced many things that make this country great. But they’ve also seen some other sides, and with the Badger Barrel, have vowed to give customers a chance to sidestep corporate greed and treat them like the clear-thinking, capable human beings they are, prioritizing common sense over political correctness, fear-mongering and extremist agendas. In short, the Badger calls it like it is. Don’t like it? There are many other ways to spend your money. And likely more of it for lower quality. 


Are you ready to join the Badgerhood? Common sense is required. And little else.